News of: Saturday, February 25 2006,

'Hiphonest' Yoi fashion store moves to 'de Pijp'

Although the Yoi store already opened in November 2005, it has moved several times: moving is part of the philosophy.

Yoi sell clothes that are manufactured with respect for 'humans, animals and the environment'. Although this type of fashion used to be associated with hippy-like, alternative clothes, in the past years several new fashion labels have developed, with clothes with social and environmental awareness, but that carry clothes that look fashionable. Yoi calls it 'hiphonest' fashion.

All clothes sold in the store have either been produced biologically, or made out of recycled material. Also, attention is paid to the labour conditions of the workers who produced the clothes.

The Yoi store is a 'guerilla store', meaning it moves regularly to a different location. Using locations that are (temporarily) empty is part of the philosopy 'to re-use what's not in use'.
Its current address is: 1e J van Campenstraat 27, in neighbourhood 'de Pijp', just south of the centre, not far from the Rijksmuseum.