No trains between Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport

News of: Saturday, July 25 2015,

Heaviest July storm since 1901 in Amsterdam

A heavy summer sturm has hit the West part of the Netherlands. In Amsterdam there's a lot of damage, and there are no trains to and from Amsterdam.

By itself, the storm is not very severe, but due to the fact that the trees still have all there leaves, the effect is big. Trees catch more wind than in the fall or winter, so branches fall off easier, or whole trees fall over.
Fallen trees cause damage all over the country.

One of the effects is that major highways are closed, because of fallen trees, and train services to and from Amsterdam is not possible. That means there are also no trains between Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport.

Several flights have been cancelled and there are delays on Schiphol Airport.

Several festivals and big events have been cancelled due to the weather.

No trains between Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport

No trains between Amsterdam and Schiphol Airport