Amsterdam Gay Pride 2015

News of: Saturday, August 01 2015,

Busiest Amsterdam Gay Pride ever - police say 'Amsterdam is full'

The Amsterdam Gay Pride canal parade of 2015, held today, was the busiest ever.

For the first time in the Amsterdam Gay Pride's history, the police have warned the public not to go to the Gay Pride street parties any more, as the locations are considered to be 'full'. The police advice to go to 'other parties'.

Numbers of spectators are not yet known. Estimates so far, range from 300,000 to 650,000.

The police also say the Parade had a good atmosphere, and only few incidents were reported. 'Only' 5 people have been arrested for pickpocketing.

The perfect weather today is probably an important reason why it was so crowded in Amsterdam.

Amsterdam Gay Pride 2015

Amsterdam Gay Pride 2015

Amsterdam Gay Pride 2015, Prinsengracht

Amsterdam Gay Pride 2015, Prinsengracht